Category Archives: Reflection - Page 4

Category Overhaul

Because every so often I notice readers who traverse the blog front to end, I used the past posting break to get my posts in order, doing some editing, rewriting and bringing more uniformization throughout the blog; which resulted in some changes being made to the various categories amongst which the embedding of the turorials into Revelation, the combination of technical sketches and patterns into the new Technics category and the renaming of Progress into the now more suiting Production, leaving the tags for deeper divergence.

Exhibits: Full outfit illustration, accompanied by a clarifying total-outlook description incorporating composition analyses.
Exhibits: Visualized reporting of recently undertaken ventures into procuring materials and resources fundamental to the work.
Exhibits: Individual design breakdown featuring in-depth construction stratagem formulated around comprehensively detailed drawings.
Exhibits: Highlighting specific steps from the construction process deemed noteworthy due to their technique-elaborative nature.
Exhibits: Highlighting specific steps from the construction process deemed noteworthy due to their technique-elaborative nature.
Exhibits: Directing sight onto a single completed garment, carefully photographed to display its principle characteristics.
Exhibits: Displaying photographed valuables, uniquely begotten or especially requested from manufacturers within the Goth scene.
Exhibits: Contemplating the motivations behind the work, textually rationalizing choice direction and general preponderance.
Exhibits: Recollecting personal memories or impressions affiliated with a specific day in history, presented in video-graphic format.

Boxed Goods

The Boxes, gathered from neighbouring stores.Neatly organizing textiles and supplies.Perfectly fitting the workstation.

Finally found the ideal container to fit the inner dimensions of my worktable, being convenient as lightweight removable drawers yet sturdy enough to house the heavier fabrics, these ratan boxes, gathered in small numbers from nearby stores, allowed me to organize my stock and resources using the following lineup:

Leathers Paper-wares Interfacing
Scraps Plastics base patterns Trimming Buttons Supplies Lining Veils
Interior (light) Pleathers Latex Cottons Test fabrics Satins (light) Velvets (light) Brocades (light)
Interior (heavy) Molton Wool Fur (black) Fur (colored) Satins (heavy) Velvets (heavy) Brocades (heavy)

A Direct Line

From the blog’s currently existing pages, the ‘contact’ was the the last to receive its stylistic revival.
Having continued to build on from where I left off, I am proud to deliver this small piece of developer’s eye-candy boasting a gorgeous multiform interface, which dynamically adjusts itself to the visitor’s intent, straightforward and unequivocal, as after all, a quality contact page always is the greatest trump card.

Please, feel welcome to use this form for complementary notes, well-wishing, intuitive ponderings, questions regarding the 'grander work', remarks & suggestions concerning the website, error reporting or personal questions.

A form pre-arranged for pointing out on-the-web-found images containing either myself or my work, for submitting or uploading your most welcome self-taken pictures, as well as for soliciting one's own photographic services.

A suitable setting for bespeaking proposals regarding dealership, make or event endorsement, represented in the form of textual side-bar advertisements as well as mentioned on various extension-sites.

The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect, Audacious outfitThe Butterfly Effect, Decorous outfit

..or how the subtle addition of one small handmade brooch onto past WGT’s two most differential outfits, one the most decorous, with the other undoubtedly the most audacious from the range;

..can break through these outfits’ individual uniformity and bring forth a higher homogeneousness, finally connecting primary with secondary design lines throughout the whole creative spectrum.

Creating a Hide

The Red Shirt body
Where couture is the art of developing a second skin to encapsulate the body in perfect fit, and deviating from that thought in a variety of stylistic aberrations, it is apprehendable, yet not less remarkable just how evocative a single snapshot from the assemblage process can turn out.

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