Monthly Archives: February 2013

Bathtub Photograph

Lending both my model and my assistance to teen-hood art-class friend Veerle Frissen for the latest picture in her project titled “Reculer pour mieux sauter”, wherein little boats were made out of eggs and sail-pics to float in a foamy bathtub that holds a male blond eating a sandwich; truly a surreal experience for all of us.

Bathtub Photgraph by Veerle Frissen

Weighty Layers

The last step in finishing the shoulder-guards is enclosing the stretching impenetrable padding with leather covers; the inside giving the construction a nice suede face and the outside, mounted with two heavy spikes.

From Proto to Cover

How the Coalescaremonium cover was madePresenting one of my greatest graphical works thus far; conducted as a joint effort between myself and Coalescaremonium co-organizer Nocturne, bringing his character-art concept from the color and lay-out studying pre-visualization into a fully textured and decorated work of art; using a sequention of semi-transparent layers to capture it within a compository background that honors the artist’s design with an engineer’s correctness through including 3D-imaging software modeled objects into the equation, forming a neat way to work in the performer names and finishing it with a beautiful logo to carry our name.

Neckline Seam

shoulder-bodice for gothic art nouveau cape design

The 8-piece bodice, readily made..

standing and falling collar for classic gothic cape design

Upper- and under-collar, all set..

basting and sewing ineterfaced collar to a cape bodice

Their mutual seam, in progress..

in-progress gothic collar and cape bodice.

The result, with added trimline.

Sewing the under-collar onto the bodice, making sure that all its bias layers show a correct direction whilst including an overlying one within the seam; leaving the upper-collar to fall freely until the lining is attached.

Commodius Carrier

This year proposed a surprising turn-out of the winter sales wherein I was able to score a massive suit-bag, exquisite, with its many trinkets and comparements, for carrying my shirts and other delicate contraptions when venturing out into the field, which will now, with the handy shoulder-strap, happen even more in style.

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