Category Archives: Treasure

The Forged Cross



The physical unification of modernistic and arcane cross, impeccable in form and shape; with adjustable security chain, making it go perfect with any outfit.

  Concept/DesignLogo-izedConstruction/ForgingUnpacking – Modeled                                                                                                

The Serpentine Sculpture

Dragon shaped gothic silver ring by Ornamentum ex medio

In darkness’ deepest; a parturition from white ash accepts its calling,
spreading its essence out into affinity; the silver dragon materializes.

The Gothic Gauntlets

Gothic LARP Fashion gauntlets

With reinforced knuckle-busters bolstering an articulation of thirty-eight silver-oiled pieces, these riveted steel-plate gauntlets are set to deliver a magnificent buckle-strapped blast.

Encrusted Eyes

Art Deco Gothic nacre-silver siamond crested sewing buttons

A rare bundle of two antique-silver Art-Deco boutons showcasing multiple concentric structures, broken by a patty-cross pattern of diamond inlays, enriching the nacre-stone cores.

Electric Horns

Emailled glass gothic cyber industrial horns.

Imbued with a ricocheting grace, these stoutly streamlined scalp extensions's deep emaille covering deflects both light and dark in a manner so splendid, it is nothing shy of other-worlds.

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