Monthly Archives: July 2011

End of Chapter

Concerns: evaluating and establishing post-WGT objectives, developing the blog platform, sharing experiences, showing myself and channeling work towards summertime gatherings.

The Gallery Page

Having fallen ill after Amphi Festival I was able to do some more programming for the photo gallery and finish it a bit sooner than expected. It has become a condensed construction fitting neatly into a page and housing a maximum selection of 22 pictures at any given time.

Sarabande Secondary Outfit

Sarabande II, Secondary Outfit

Sarabande Primary Outfit

Sarabande II, Primary Outfit


The Rider Vest, last stages of assemblagesecured and stitched-off vest armoholesecured vest hemline and front openingThe most important stitchings determining a garment’s worth are those the eye cannot see, in this particular case the series of cross- and side-stitches fixing the folds within the seam allowance and guiding the later inwards leaving a solid border defining the garment’s edges while allowing ample space for a back-stitch to sew-on the lining.

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