Navigation: Context Tags

The third navigation page uses an adaption of the other pages’ interface to display all post tags divided into categories naming the type of context-placement they belong to.

Hover the tag-name to view a brief explanation and click it to show its postlist.

Skill Tags: dispersing between fabrication and knowledge fields
Line Tags: dispersing between the separate clothing lines
Contains: primary, secondary
Style Tags: dispersing between sub-genres of Gothic fashion
Treasure Tags: dispersing between various kinds of treasure
WGT Tags: dispersing between different days of the WGT

Due to the growing nature of this blog, not all tags are ideally distributed yet. Some further changes may also take place within the Style Tags, a classification method I find utterly difficult to manage.


  1. Upon testing these features, I realised certain posts could use some refreshing, so I guess I’ll have my work set out for me.

  2. Yeah, you do that :smile:

    I just love these little icons you made for everything. Do they have a meaning?

  3. Some do, some don’t.
    They’re mostly just suitable.

    All are however made from pictures I took during my blogging here that hadn’t made it to the site yet. And probably never will.

  4. Oh, deleted scenery :cool: