Category Archives: Reflection

New Chapter, New Updates

After each chapter comes a moment of peaceful solitude in which I like to distance myself from the writing and re-regard the blog for the little system that it is, by updating the wordpress core and its many plugins while adding something new to start fresh with; a photoshoot result widget-slider high up on the main page.

Noli’s Eye Patch

Making use of various scraps of material…

..forming a trace into tailored pattern..

..working out inner and outer halves..

..into an originally finished eye patch.

Supervising my Nolish companion in his making something out of nothing; a nicely curved eye patch, exactly fitting the socket of his eye, to be mounted with two crossing elastics for a bad-ass yet playfully elegant feel.

Shades of Black

the different shades of black men's shirtsTaking a free moment as an occasion to properly wash and iron my collection of day-shirts; retracing the same system of seams that build up this most conventional of all garments whilst taking note of the diversity in fiber compositions and the different coloring methods that were used on them; making each of the shirts look regular on its own, yet when piled together showing vast variation of textures and tints, collectively considered under a common label of “black”; which provides me an appealing angle for the 2013 designs; to omit all color and transport this dark notion to its Gothic extremities by creating outfits that are wholly black while in no way bland.

From Proto to Cover

How the Coalescaremonium cover was madePresenting one of my greatest graphical works thus far; conducted as a joint effort between myself and Coalescaremonium co-organizer Nocturne, bringing his character-art concept from the color and lay-out studying pre-visualization into a fully textured and decorated work of art; using a sequention of semi-transparent layers to capture it within a compository background that honors the artist’s design with an engineer’s correctness through including 3D-imaging software modeled objects into the equation, forming a neat way to work in the performer names and finishing it with a beautiful logo to carry our name.

Introducing Coalescaremonium

Coalescaremonium first edition logoAs a grand new event in Belgium’s Gothic nightlife with myself as one of its major organizers and hosts, Coalescaremonium seeks to unite people from the variety of local underground scenes into a unique celebration of music and arts, with of course a special place reserved just for fashion and photography.

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