Category Archives: Reflection - Page 11

Primary Vs Secondary

Influenced by the bands playing, events taking place and parts of Leipzig I wish to visit, I associate each day at the Wave Gotik Treffen with a certain mood, theme or style. For each of these notions I work out two concepts. I call these the primary and secondary outfits.

The primary outfits are all about exploring new materials and construction boundaries. They feature mostly ornate and experimental pieces, sometimes leaving wearability a bit behind. As construction can be a bit unpredictable, making them adhere to a certain level of quality can be time and resource consuming, yet, the result is often worth the strain.
The secondary outfits are in no way inferior. Using the methods I applied before, knowing they work, I try to create strong, sleek items that adhere to a more simplistic and perfected design. They generally portray a shorter fashion, focusing on the waist instead of the chest and shoulders like the primary outfits do.
Because of this clear distinction, one could perceive the two concept types as ‘fashion lines’. For this reason I categorize blogposts by using tags saying primary or secondary, as well as tags stating the day the pieces will be worn on. Clicking the terms in the Tag cloud (found in the sidebar) bundles the posts in a more organised way, making my endeavor a little more comprehensible.

The Esthetics of Horns

With decorative horns so often making their appearance as a merely comical (devilish) attribute one would sometimes forget the possibilities in form and shape such scalp extensions can grow to in nature and how, when combined with a well thought-out notion of direction, any of such forms could be able to bestow a mighty addition to some already conceptually strong outfits.

Even though humanoid horns are a sight, widespread throughout fantasy and gothic imagery, those succeeding with incorporating them into their own creations are often confronted with questions considering ‘the meaning’ behind wearing such addenda.

May the drive be a theriomorphic search for a suppressed animal nature or the desire to impersonate a sort of transcended being, the purely esthetical aspect of homegrown antlers is sufficiently challenging to me for having made the decision to incorporate distinctive forms of horns in each of my primary outfits for 2011.

The Faulty Edit Link

Granted, this issue is far from what I had envisioned blogging about when I decided to start this Gothic design blog, although it might generate a bit more traffic.
Those reading the comments on previous posts might have noticed the static word (Edit) appearing after each line of comment information.

Yesterday's comments
Scrolling around other WordPress supported blogs running the zBench theme, I gathered this appears to be a common bug. The blogs not affected by this seem to be running a slightly older version of WordPress than the one I currently have installed. Because I didn’t manage to find a solution on the web I had a quick look at the code and it actually turned out to be quite the easy fix.

The function call for the administrator-only comment-edit link seems to be formatted for an earlier version of the WP script, using a slightly different set of arguments. Replacing <?php edit_comment_link(_e(‘(Edit)’,’zbench’),’  ‘,”) ?> on line 65 of the Theme Functions template, using the WP Theme Editor, by <?php edit_comment_link( __( ‘(Edit)’, ‘zbench’), ‘ ‘ ); ?> corrects this issue and makes the zBench edit-comment-link function the same way the link from the standard theme does.

Frankly, I have to say I am surprised to see so many blogs running with that blatant bug. Are so many blog-owners not able to devise this small fix themselfs; or do they just not notice or care enough to ask for support ?


Discipulus, Februari 2011As my illustrations are getting better and I’m starting to feel confident my efforts might be perceived as interesting, I decided to document my work, producing clothing to wear to the upcoming Wave Gotik Treffen Festival.

Initially visiting for the bands, I got captured by the fashion spectacle the WGT is – much more than other festivals – a haven to. Challenged by the magnificent works of personal expression wandering the Agra grounds, I succumbed to the urge to realize my own vision of high-end Gothic design in clothing.

After trying about a bit, finding out what I could do and being seemingly successful at it, I decided to go all out this year and prove myself by creating five distinct outfits for both me and my companion, by bundling sights, that have touched and shaped me through my life, with my own visions of form and beauty.

Routinely documenting the design choices and motives behind my work seemed most practical, both as a form of schedule to maintain for myself as well as an antiphon to the many questions that remain unasked over the restrictive time of a festival.

For all these reasons, I invite you, my dear visitor, to submit any remark you might have concerning the articles written, may they be critical observations or appreciative ponderings.
In return, I will do my best to clarify myself.


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