The content provided on this blog is limited towards the creation, technical aspects and motivations behind my designs in order to make Opus Relinque a tesimonial of my work as an artist; with following directings offering a means to look further into the results of my efforts, my sources and inspirations, my person and persona, my treasured belongings, my surroundings, and content that did not make it onto this platform.
The content provided on this blog is limited towards the creation, technical aspects and motivations behind my designs in order to make Opus Relinque a tesimonial of my work as an artist; with following directings offering a means to look further into the results of my efforts, my sources and inspirations, my person and persona, my treasured belongings, my surroundings, and content that did not make it onto this platform.
Highly appreciative of your indulgence,
Gothic Artist, Keeper of Opus Relinque