
Border, Outer and Inner Facings, both compiled throught most suitable methods.

As the Mystery Project‘s border-work is composed out of very long yet narrow pieces of fabric, it would have been a terrible waste to harvest these along the length of the materials when breaking them up into multiple shorter parts could span the width of the roll, saving as much on resources as possible.

Where for this project’s velvet outer-face such orientational choice demands the combination of pieces to be turned into a small work of art, the enclosed padding is much more easily begotten by aligning tapes and merging them with small strips of lining, neatly cross-stitched through front and back.


  1. When working with overly large parts, such as these eight meter enclosings, it is often best to finish all layers individually before trying to combine them.

  2. The Picnic Blanket | Opus Relinque - pingback on June 16, 2011 at 11:15 pm