Silver Undershirt

Silver Undershirt backSilver Undershirt front

A tight-fitting blouse contrived from leftover stretch-silk with quality lining forming the back, augmented as an individual piece while created as a supportive layer under the Gray Blouse in order to prevent skintone diffusion in single-layer areas.


  1. Finaly! i can spam comments again :p

    ziet er prachtig uit, van ver dacht ik dat het metaal was, beetje chainmail achtig, echt super mooi!

  2. Engrish Please!

    It does look like metal
    must be a real expensive fabric you chose?

  3. The material was costly, I’ll admit that, though on its own, this piece turned out very economical.

    I had just enough silk left from the Blouse to do the front, so I went ahead and used lining to finish the backside.