Monday’s Secondary Outfit combines both cyber and mittelalter elements to establish an immaculate hybrid look showing quite a lot of skin, yet relying strongly on hair-based fabrics.
Akin to the Primary Outfit is the boastful chin-covering-collar capette - contrived from remaining scarlet velour - as the focal point of the outfit, giving away to the off-white velvet-jersey used for the crop-top, returning as the base-material for the fur-covered leg and wrist-warmers, keeping red glow-sticks embedded into tiny pockets.
Covering the hips we find sideways slashed short shorts, giving a hint of the underwear, whilst upholding the, with straps and rings decorated, back-panel-skirt, spurring the futuristic side of the outfit together with the cybernetic eye-wear combed discretely through the head rigorous blond hair.
Monday’s Secondary Outfit
Posted by Discipulus
on May 25, 2011
Exactly how does one color whitish fur?
You use an eraser.
You did fairly well though.
And just love the design!
cant wait to see you like that ^^
colour white fur? i colour my fluffys with those thing you mix with salt in the washing machine…
Oh, I will be wearing the primary outfits to WGT
figured ^^ you blond XD