Exploring the colossal market within my own comforting home, sometimes spending days on end, searching, studying, correlating, locating, inquiring or demanding custom fabrications, like in the material realm, armed with strong faith and distrust in looking to acquire my first choice in matters going from buttons to furniture.
I find it is often difficult to learn the right term (or their interpretation of them) for things in every language I’m looking for them, So once I locate the right supplier for something, I try to stick with them for as long s they can help me.
once you know where to look, its quiet easy, at first i didnt know where to find shoes in my size for example, but once you know some sites, its easy to find more of them…
anyhow, your working place looks calm and organised, way better then my choatic desk filled with paint and art stuff…
Thanks for the regards, but shown setting is actually a (auction-site bought) multipurpose dinnertable that’s rearranged a lot during the day. My actual working desk looks a bit less scrumptious, I’m afraid