Only days before the festival, when packing up becomes imminent and the work needs to end, a short recap is in place, recollecting the grander scheme of the outfits spanning the following cross-genre looks.
Thursday Primary: Elegant Gothic
Thursday Secondary: Harajuku Gothic
Friday Primary: Classic Gothic
Friday Secondary: Chique Gothic
Saturday Primary: Grotesque Gothic
Saturday Secondary: Androgynous Gothic
Monday Primary: Fantasy Mittelalter
Monday Secondary: Cyber Mittelalter
To adress the subject of Sunday’s outfits; they will primarily comprise of acquired pieces, either specifically purchased from renowned artists within the scene (some even visiting WGT themselves) or obtained from more general stores to be enhanced or modified, in correlation with some smaller of my original pieces bringing the outfits to the level of my own designs.
Now let’s see what didn’t get done
Thursday Primary: The boots, real pitty, have been putting that off for too long.
Thursday Secondary: The pants, so much work went to the blouse that they needed to be redesigned anyway.
Friday Primary: The jabot. Was planning on making it out of leftover Red Shirt Silk, but for doing that, the shirt actually needed to be finished first.
Friday Secondary: The Blouse. Never got my design to work out so will be using a purchased one instead.
Saturday Primary: The Top Hat and the upper fur-layer. (Searching for pelt-fabrics in the spring season can be a bit of a pain)
Saturday Secondary: The Undershirt.. though it might still happen
Monday Primary: The armor. Real pitty, but little I can do about it.
Monday Secondary: Yeay, One down. Now just to make sure them tubes stay in.
but im sure you will look just fine!
try to spot me somewhere
i have more outfits too, one day i will be in gothic lolita XD dont know what day, depending on the weather ^^
amai oh I love them all very nice … Good work …. Congratulations
… Have fun there
Hallo ^^! I just watched your “WGT 2010 – Sunday’s Outfit” video on youtube and then found this lovely website! I was absolutely enchanted by your creations, they are so unique and special! Liked the saturday primary outfit a lot, but I don’t understand why is it called ‘grotesque gothic’? It seems very elegant.. is it because of the horns? Congratulations keep your wonderful work and sucess always!
Hi there!
Thanks for your kind words ^_^
The individual pieces from saturday’s primary outfit are indeed designed for elegance. Their summation, however, shrouds cardinal focal points of their compossition, i.e. the shoulder-constructions of both the Red Shirt and Cathedral Cape, peaking the beauty in the designs.
In hiding these fine delicate lines by topping them with robust wild-haired shoulder-panels, a certain grotesque abberance falls in place, itself i.m.h.o. a sort of beauty on its own.