When embarking on this blogging adventure I did not know where this platform was going to take me, but now that I’m concluding the first year of sharing these unearthly visions of mine, I feel strengthened in the validity of my designs and proud in managing this unequivocally structured weblog.
With 246 posts, containing 430 photographs, divided over nine distinct categories, I consider these pages to be a commendable collection of my thoughts and efforts throughout the past year and I can honestly say that I am looking forward to continue writing these little articles as I am learning my way through creating these things that I want to see made.
And so I leave you here with my last work for 2011; this thespian depiction of the Vampire Outfit, making a promise to return in February, charged with plenteous fresh ideas.
Gothic Artist, Keeper of Opus Relinque
Oh my God. This is great. I find this quite nicely … I like it!!!
Love love love this!
sweetheart, vampire’s outfit
and keep on blogging!
Thanks for the point-out
You should print these!