Boxed Goods

The Boxes, gathered from neighbouring stores.Neatly organizing textiles and supplies.Perfectly fitting the workstation.

Finally found the ideal container to fit the inner dimensions of my worktable, being convenient as lightweight removable drawers yet sturdy enough to house the heavier fabrics, these ratan boxes, gathered in small numbers from nearby stores, allowed me to organize my stock and resources using the following lineup:

Leathers Paper-wares Interfacing
Scraps Plastics base patterns Trimming Buttons Supplies Lining Veils
Interior (light) Pleathers Latex Cottons Test fabrics Satins (light) Velvets (light) Brocades (light)
Interior (heavy) Molton Wool Fur (black) Fur (colored) Satins (heavy) Velvets (heavy) Brocades (heavy)


  1. Yeah, 200 posts! :cool:

  2. congrats! :razz:

  3. I totally love that cute dragon in the box :smile:


  5. What’s the abomination in the back? :shock:

  6. Spideypuss, the perfect merger of Puss and Spideyhat :grin: