Author Archives: Discipulus - Page 30

Fur-crowned Hat

Fur-covered Decorated Gothic Top-HatFur Covered Top-Hat: front closureFur Covered Top Hat: back view

The augmentation of a standard top-hat by lavish auburn fox fur, cut bulky at the back to gradually thin out along the curve, following the hair direction towards the front where it is locked in place with a single clasp.

Preparing Planks

Tightly constructed base platform to support the weight.Cross-shaped furniture veneer.

Doing the groundwork on a stunted piece of functional furnishing, making chassis and standards from home-finished veneers, using my alternative set of tools, aligning boards with glue before screwing them secured.

Truly Special

A most intriguing find at a local antiquer’s shop, this stunning one of a kind Art-Nouveau nacre-imbued silver button appeared awaiting the days to shine as a key ornament on one of the acoming year’s primary outfits.

art-nouveau silver nacre gothic winged button

Adding Trim

Satin rat-tail trim-cords, one embedded within the neckline, the other worked into the mid-collar seam.
The latest of enhancements to the Cathedral Cape accentuates its shoulder-insets and the new collar’s contour by introducing a red rat-tail satin trim, sewn precisely on top of existing seams through sideways stitches picking strings from the back of the cord, slightly twisting and securing it across the sharper corners and locked in position; the first one included in the neckline allowance before the improved collar was placed, the other worked into the horizontal seam of the under collar, where it is met by the end of the frontal zipper, the sole fastener to carry the weight of this monumental garment.

Scarlet Capeline

Scarlet Capeline frontal viewScarlet Capeline rear viewScarlet Capeline: Standing collar detail
Scarlet Capeline: Lying collar detail
Scarlet Capeline: Trailing bonds detail


Casting off the massive cloth from the Scarlet Cape leaves a collared capeline, which holds the bronze rings connecting the bonds that are now free to rest under the arms, revealing an intricate dance-outfit on the go.

  ConceptDesignPatternsBond ConstructionAssemblageProgenitor                                                                                                

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