Author Archives: Discipulus - Page 40

Picnic Basket

Willow Wicker Picnic BasketShining in practicality and design, this whitened willow wicker woven harbors an opportune instalment of dishware, glasses and cutlery to serve a surly sitting of refreshments and victuals from its linen insides.

Shirt Lining

Hemline and front-facing hand-secured on inner tafeta layer.Collar and rear-fold secured on tafeta, layers locked together in arm-hole.

With the multi-fabric aspect exerted to full benefit, the lower taffeta layer automatically doubles for lining, which is extra helpful for securing folds as well as facing and hemline in place, showing only structural seams between conscientiously molded perennial pieces, locking the layers of fabric definitely together.

Forgotten Treasure

Rummaging through a recently inherited heap of past-times’ overstock, providentially salvaged from a leaky family attic, sorting out the oxidation-free usables, to uncover a welcome collection of yesteryear marbles.

Yesteryear's overstock, with hooks, clasps, shears and a lot of buttons.

Luscious Collar

A wintertime addendum that continues the rider’s vest’s most appealing seam-lines in vigorous pleats; the illustrious rising collar extending the well-documented design beyond the vertebrae, attachable uniquely via a series of small hidden buttons residing deep within the neckline.

Reusing Remnants

Transfering collar pattern onto interfacingIron-pressing interfacing onto collar lining.Transfering folded-collar pattern onto fabric

Cutting lining, interfacing and outermost textile for what is becoming a trademark shape of collar, this time in adaption exhibiting cascading layers conform to the intrinsic design of the Rider’s Vest, for which it is to become a removable extension-part, a supplementary addendum to adhere to a more wintertime regard.

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