A fundamental snippet from my first day visiting the central district of Leipzig, introducing a yearly Thursday occurrence of further exploring the cityscape, including the traditionalized respects to the primordial master.
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An Old Friend
Thursday’s Secondary Outfit
For the secondary outfit for 2011′s thursday I went with a J-goth, black jeansy look, substantiated by a tailing 3-quarter coat, enhanced with leather accents emphasizing shoulders chest and hemline, whilst returning in the diverging cuffs and hood.
With both a central zipper and a set of draped silver chainlets as a means for closing the coat, the view of the blouse can either be limited to its towering collar or allowed to let its stunning grey silk to peer through, forming a connection of bright contrariety, from the fair hair, to the grey-scaled bindings encovering the narrow cut jeans worn underneath.
The Suedine Floor-Vest
The second endeavor from the Architecturewear project, enriched with a decorated neckline, embedded watchpocket and passpoil buttonholes.
Thursday’s Primary Outfit
Thursday’s primary outfit could be intuitively classified as persuing the Elegant Gothic Aristocrat look, presenting a floor-length silver-buttoned double-breasted black suedine vest with raglan cut-outs revealing the voluptuous pleated sleeves of the frill shirt worn underneath.
The gold garnish buttons decorating the rich champagne-white chemise – clashing with the deep silver hair – are most pulchritudinously adorned by a unique set of jewelry; a sapphire embedded pendant and a inherently matching organic ring.
The by the vest delineated gothic window gives light to the embellished cusp knee-high leather boots complementing the outfit in contrasting with the vest’s deep-black moire-patterned lining exposing a surge of differential darkness.
The Gray Shirt Blouse
Sometimes, the best sketch can come together with the littlest amount of lines.
I knew I wanted to do something like this, and last week I found the perfect fabric for it. The finest light gray – almost aluminum shade – silk; the only roll left of its kind. Splendid, for you see, due to the addition of elasthan fibre to the weft yarn, the fabric was stretchy like jersey. Observing that was when it struck me; the gray shirt should actually be a blouse.
While I allready had the idea of the narrow pointed cuffs and collar, this fabric would enable me to slim down the waist, without having to cut open the pattern in the front. Thus, creating a blouse that can be pulled over the head and which takes on an elegant form, with only a minimal number of seams. Emphasizing that effect, whilst keeping the delicate material from overstretching are the large curved darts, strengthening the garment in the sides, like skeleton-fingers wrapped around the waist.
I was rather surprised how quickly this sketch came together. The forementioned concept copied itself to the sleeves, creating that classical, yet modernistic look I so yearn to accomplish.
Now, let’s just hope it all works out..
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