Cadenced Falls


cyberlox crin falls, with orange and yellow braids and twitst, glow in the dark accents, and a foam feather crown.

A dextrous amalgam of aurulent strands of crin, fiber and foam, rhythmically layered with reflective neon accents intertwining their full meter drop, making these magnificent falls both ornamental and provocative.

Significant Trade-up


Happy in having found this little specialist’s tool, geared with a small spring that facilitates rapid snipping, making both the cutting and trimming processes proceed effortlessly in speeding up fur fabric preparation.

Notable Links


Introducing the beginnings of a new page that bundles directings to all auxiliary Opus Relinque content while also providing referrals to relevant domains in close connection to the project and definitely worth a visit.

Opus Relinque Facebook : Post excerpts and unshown content
Discipulus' Facebook: Artist page with event snapshots and photographs
Opus Relinque Youtube: Channel hosting the 'Reminiscence' videos

Coalescaremonium: Halfyearly Gothic happening in Brussels, Beglium

Ornamentum Ex Medio: Silver jewelry design
Boucké Costume Design: Exclusive Top Hats

Voluptas Design: Costume design and phototgraphy
Xelorian Arts: Event and festival photographer

Innovative Asset


Inaugurating the fully fledged semi-industrial active-table steam ironing solution procured as a refreshingly helpful upgrade to the atelier or a splendidly practical holiday-times investment into a productive future.

Singer strijksysteem steam ironing board

Flexible Hangers


The leeway from the window-like aperture in the back of the Cathedral Cape brought me to implement a set of sew-able chains, which are normally used to hang a garment in the neckline, but happened to be ideal in length, sturdiness and expandability for constraining the cape’s slacking layers and guide its trailing motion.

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