Neckline Seam

shoulder-bodice for gothic art nouveau cape design

The 8-piece bodice, readily made..

standing and falling collar for classic gothic cape design

Upper- and under-collar, all set..

basting and sewing ineterfaced collar to a cape bodice

Their mutual seam, in progress..

in-progress gothic collar and cape bodice.

The result, with added trimline.

Sewing the under-collar onto the bodice, making sure that all its bias layers show a correct direction whilst including an overlying one within the seam; leaving the upper-collar to fall freely until the lining is attached.

Commodius Carrier


This year proposed a surprising turn-out of the winter sales wherein I was able to score a massive suit-bag, exquisite, with its many trinkets and comparements, for carrying my shirts and other delicate contraptions when venturing out into the field, which will now, with the handy shoulder-strap, happen even more in style.

Threefold of Endings


caught-ruffled color on gothic silk shirtrounded cuffs to lock a gathered sleeve.locking a hemline with ruffles using non-bias trim

Following the aspect of locking voluminous gathers within flat reinforced layers: rounded cuffs are added to finish off the sleeve-ends in a manner that reflects their origin from the shoulderdisk; a straight fabric strip catches the body’s hemline gathers while a combined collar completes the mirror-semblance above the disk.

Converging Lines


self-drawn pleated pattern for full length skirt.tailored pleat skirt pattern drawing.

Drawing sets of parallel-lines to denote the exact locations of the folds, the backfolds and the foldless parts while using their relation to the side, front and rear centers as key points to fuse the vastly amassing paper pieces together before including tailoring by redirecting the foldlines to deepen the pleats from the hips up.

Wave Works


black gothic men's curl wig being restyled An U.S. online ordered fashion wig, though beautiful in quality, unfavorably fashioned with too many and too small curls, giving a frizzy impression instead of the planned classical look; brings up the question of wether to disregard the purchase as a lost cost, or to make use of its human hair blend composition and completely re-style it into voluminous curlings that are better porportioned towards my features. Going through all the many layers, armed with just a curling iron and a magical serum solvent, it was perhaps quite an un-covetted operation to take on, but still one that is much more pleasant to do on a bust at home than in a hotel room on my own hair.

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