Furry Finish


Loops & buttons construction that fastens the furry chaps onto their lined inside.After the leg ins had their long pile seam allowances trimmed, folded inwards and fixed onto the fabric’s wrong side with a cross stitch, their insides were covered with a soft antistatic lining, strengthened to keep the angular shapes crisp, while fluid as not to interfere with fabrics or stockings worn underneath.

With mild elastics placed into the knee area forming a primary means of support, the furry coverings are geared in place through a simple loops and buttons fastening, allowing the leg-ins to be easily combined with many variations of garment- or underclothing-constructions that feature waisthigh belt-like straps.

Pressed Hemline


Turning to use a most modern technique to create a minimal touch hemline that keeps the lightweight satin thin and supple whilst finishing off the fabric’s raw edge without leaving pin, thread or needlepoint marks.

Selective Shots


As revisiting the same locations on a yearly basis leaves limited space for original videoshooting, instead of presenting a series of videos, peak moments from our 2012 adventures have been montaged into a cliprail of moments, mounted onto footage of the Mozart concert up high in the imposing Völkerschlachtdenkmal.

Arithmetic Covering


arithmetic coveringThis design takes two widths of luscious veil fabric and combines them into a seamlessly tailored cape-like structure, with the insertion of pleats into the top part creating a curly collar that is fixed within the neckline whilst a conal shape is established by securing less deep pleats along the shoulders. From there on the fabric drops freely until the hemline is forced open through its capture within a rigid band of pleat-ruffle trim, a material that re-appears as a tie-able and neckline strengthening front closure.

Rushed Job


searching fabric for a custom curtain.fabric, interfacing, hooks, yarn and needles.paper guide used to mark pleat widths

As much as I like to channel my work into properly refined designs, this particular chore required the turning of a whopping 16 meters of deep-purple velvet fabric into a square backdrop to be done overnight, a task at which not grace but efficiency proved to be key to successfully dressing the Coalescaremonium photo-stage.

adding pleats to a velvet draperystitching purple curtain foldshooks that hang a velvet drapery from a wlal or rail.

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